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unicode-screensaver Screensaver that repeatedly randomly picks an unicode character
uwm (V) X11R3 window manager
vfontcap-kochi (V) Configuration file for VFlib to use kochi-ttf
viewres Display widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set
vinagre (V) VNC client for GNOME
vte Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
vte029 Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
vte3 Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
wdm WINGs display manager
windowmaker-desktop (V) Provides a desktop based on the WindowMaker wm
wired-notify Lightweight notification daemon with customizable layout blocks
wm2 (V) Minimalist window manager for X
wmakerconf (V) Gtk+ based configuration tool for Window Maker
wmavgload Another WindowMaker load gauge
wmbiff (V) WindowMaker xbuffy-like mail-checker
wmCalClock (V) Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp
wmextra (V) Extras for Window Maker window manager
wmfire Displays generated fire according to system load
wmfstatus General purpose 8x5 LCD screen for WindowMaker
wmmail (V) WindowMaker xbiff-like mail-checker
wmmoonclock (V) Shows lunar ephemeris to fairly high accuracy
wmweather WindowMaker DockApp showing local weather conditions
wmx (V) Another X11 window manager based on wm2
wmx-gnome (V) Another X11 window manager based on wm2, with GNOME compliance
worker Highly configurable two-panes file manager for X11
wterm NeXTStep(tm) style X11 terminal emulator for WindowMaker
wxGTK28 GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library (old 2.8 branch)
wxGTK28-contrib Contrib libraries for wxWidgets GTK
wxGTK30 Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.0 branch)
wxGTK31 Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.1 development branch)
wxGTK32 Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.2 stable branch)
wxWindows-docs HTML documentation for wxWindows
x11perf X11 server benchmark suite
x11vnc VNC server for real X displays
x2go-client Qt client for the X2Go remote desktop system
x2x One keyboard and mouse to control multiple X displays
x3270 3270 Terminal emulators (X11 and/or curses)
xaniroc Animate your root-cursor
XaoS Zoomable fractal rendering doodad
xauth X authentication utility
xautolock Activate xlock after a user defined time of inactivity
Xaw-Xpm Enhanced 3-D widgets based on the Athena Widget set and Xaw3d
xbacklight Adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension
Xbae Motif-compatible widgets: XbaeMatrix, XbaeCaption, XbaeInput
xbanish Banish the mouse cursor when typing
xbanner Make XDM login screen look pretty
xbeats (V) Beats clock dockable in both Window Maker and AfterStep
xbindkeys Launches shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse
xbindkeys-tk Launches shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse (Tk interface)
xbitmaps Common X11 bitmaps
xbrightness Brightness and gamma correction through the X server
xcalc Scientific calculator for X
xcalib Loads VCGT tag of monitor ICC profile into X server LUT
xcb Extensible, multiple cut buffers for X
xcb-imdkit Implementation of xim protocol in xcb
xcb-proto XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
xcb-util XCB Utilities
xcb-util-cursor XCB port of Xlib's libXcursor
xcb-util-errors Library for helping debug xcb problems
xcb-util-image XCB port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage
xcb-util-keysyms XCB Utilities
xcb-util-renderutil Convenience functions for the Render extension
xcb-util-wm Client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM and EWMH
xcb-util-xrm XCB utility functions for the X resource manager
xclip Command line interface to the X windows clipboard
xclipboard Manage the X server clipboard
xcmsdb Loads, queries, or removes Device Color Characterization data
xcolor Lightweight color picker for X11
xcolors Display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe
xcolorsel Browse and select named X colors from rgb.txt
xcompmgr Sample compositing manager for >= 6.8.0
xconsole X11 client to display console messages
xcruise Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system
xcursor Client-side cursor loading library for X
xcursor-capitaine Cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze
xcursor-themes Modular xcursor themes
xcursor-vanilla-dmz Style neutral, scalable cursor theme
xcursorgen Prepare X11 cursor sets for use with libXcursor
xdaemon BSD Daemon sticking on your desktop (like xteddy)
xdaemon2 BSD Daemon sticking on your desktop (like xteddy)
xdaliclock (V) Animated digital clock
xdbedizzy Demo of the X11 Double Buffer Extension (DBE)
xdesktopwaves Simulates water waves on the X Windows desktop
xdg-user-dirs Tool to manage well known user directories
xdialog X11 drop-in replacement for the curses dialog program
xditview Display ditroff output on an X display
xdm X Display Manager from modular
xdm3d Replacement for xdm with 3D effects
xdo Small X utility to perform elementary actions on windows
xdotool Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity using X11 xtest extension
xdpyinfo Display information utility for X
xdriinfo DRI information utility
xearth Rotating map of the Earth in X11 root window
xedit Simple text editor for X
xephem Interactive astronomical ephemeris program
xev Display X events
xeyes Follow the mouse demo
xf86-input-acecad Acecad Flair input driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-input-elographics Elographics input driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-input-fpit Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PC input driver for the Xorg X server